Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Thinking and living winter

So it's time to start thinking and living winter! No better way to get psyched up for it than to look back at the first run of the best day of our heliskiing adventure in Alaska last April. That's Seth there ripping the line.

So my body is really not ready for the mountain yet. After the first 3 day sor so snowboarding, I've had thigh burn like I've never had before. I guess pushing 34, maybe I'm getting old? Nah, I just work too much behind a desk when I really should be outside living life.

Even the dogs haven't been doing their job of nagging me to exercise with them. This morning when we let them out, they immediately wanted to come back inside and hop in bed. You can't blame them -- it was MINUS 9 DEGREES! You gotta love high pressure systems. At least we'll be able to see the stars well from the hot tub tonight. But if you ask me, I'd rather we get a dumping of snow. That's supposed to come Friday...just in time for John and I to be getting in a car and heading down to Jersey for our pre-Xmas visit. As Seth said, whenever I leave, it snows!

Actual Vermont snow pix soon to come.

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