Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Naughty or nice?

Well, if you ask my four-legged furry guys as of late, it would be naughty! They sure don't like it when the storm door closes them inside during the winter.

And for those last-minute shoppers, you can never go wrong with a nice Stephen Huneck print (artist's work above). Check out his site.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Media, politics and the search for truth

Taking an evening to do some reflecting on the world around me tonight. Seems as though when you work for a non-profit, it's hard to find time to step back and reflect on the world in which you are engaged on a daily basis. There is an emotional trade-off for having a job you feel good about at the end of the day -- you are totally emotionally and mentally drained. So the last thing you have the energy to do is to come home and write about how the world is going wrong.

I miss doing that. Seems as though when you are in high school and college (at least for me) you had hours each day to sit in your room, listen to rebel rock, and talk with friends about how the world would be better if they listened to what you had to say. I don't seem to have that time anymore. When I do squirrel away a few moments to reflect, though, my perspective is pretty harsh.

I have a few sources that I count on to help de-spin the news. It really does take a lot of effort to find REAL news anymore. What I find more interesting is the real news about how fake so much of our news really is. The PR machine and spin factories that create news products for us to's quite a business. A reliable source I'd recommend to keep you in check is the Center for Media and Democracy, who puts out PR watch and SourceWatch. You've got to respect a source that accepts NO GOVERNMENT or CORPORATE money. How rare is that?!?

Speaking of taking money from the government, this administration has pushed me to my limits. Having worked for a small international non-profit that has historically been 99% funded by the US Department of State, I have had to straddle the divide between what the government has wanted to fund and the real needs of communities where we work. That was my job -- spin the real need so it sounds like the public diplomacy work priorities. In many cases, we've had great partners in overseas embassies who were closer to the source who "got it" and gave us more room than DC would have to innovate and be responsive in our programming. But with this administration, there has been a marked change. Never have I felt the pressure to be the mouthpiece of the administration pushing policy, rather than a representative of the American people doing good and helping others. I didn't get into this field to spew rhetoric and coopt potential enemies. And for that matter, Congress is no better. They just want to know about the numbers -- make it quantitative and look good on paper so they can have something to show.

Somewhere between the Berlin wall coming down and 9/11, US public diplomacy lost its way. I need to get back into the non-government-funded realm of real assistance and real activism. More time doing what I do for Amnesty International and other groups whose moral compass hasn't gone totally askew.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bono chosen as Time Magazine's Person of the Year

For being shrewd about doing good, for rewiring politics and re-engineering justice, for making mercy smarter and hope strategic and then daring the rest of us to follow, Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono are TIME's Persons of the Year.

Read the whole story.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Chargers put Peyton on his ass!!!

Ah, yes, the mighty have fallen! Long live my San Diego super-Chargers!!! After a season of almost wins and shouldn't have lost's, my Chargers managed to keep it together so well that they took down the pretty-boys of the NFL, the Indy Colts. How sweet is was to see Peyton under pressure...FINALLY. Brees was graceful under pressure and kept things going.

Yes, we may not make the playoffs for no good reason but our own last minute failings in too many games. But hey, if we're not going to make the playoffs, at least we knocked teh mighty kings off their thrones and prevented the perfect season! Not a bad consolation prize!. Way to go!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

U2 - Ambassadors of Conscience

U2 have been awarded the ‘Ambassador of Conscience’ Award for 2005 by Amnesty International. Speaking of the award, Nobel Literature Laureate Seamus Heaney said that ‘U2 have sung themselves to where great singing comes from, that place where art and ardency meet in the light of conscience.’

The award was made to band members and manager Paul McGuinness. Irene Khan, Amnesty International Secretary General, praised U2 for doing arguably ‘more than any other band to highlight the cause of global human rights in general and Amnesty International's work in particular.’‘

Their leadership in linking music to the struggle for human rights and human dignity worldwide has been ground-breaking and unwavering. They have inspired and empowered millions with their music and by speaking out on behalf of the poor, the powerless and the oppressed.’

Previously won by Vaclav Havel and UN Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, the award ‘recognises exceptional individual leadership and witness in the fight to protect and promote human rights.’ It is made on a day when human rights are being celebrated around the world and Amnesty International launches a global music venture ‘Make Some Noise’.

The award cites U2’s work with Amnesty since the mid-1980’s, the Conspiracy of Hope Tour in 1986, Live Aid to Live 8 and the way the band have promoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Vertigo Tour.Bill Shipsey, founder of Art for Amnesty -- the global artist support network that organises the Award -- said that through songs like Pride (In The Name of Love), MLK, Miss Sarajevo, Mothers of the Disappeared, Walk On and One, U2 has helped spread the human rights message of Amnesty International to a global audience.

‘But U2 is, and always has been, about much more than just music. Band members have used their music and celebrity to champion countless human rights causes. Through their more recent involvement with DATA and The One Campaign they have brought the issues of debt, aid and trade -- particularly as they affect Africa -- to the world’s attention. They have shown that it is not enough to leave it to the politicians and ‘traditional’ world leaders to change the world. They have empowered and inspired millions of people with their music, their example and their action.’

Check out Amnesty’s Make Some Noise here

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Happy Festivus!

Thinking and living winter

So it's time to start thinking and living winter! No better way to get psyched up for it than to look back at the first run of the best day of our heliskiing adventure in Alaska last April. That's Seth there ripping the line.

So my body is really not ready for the mountain yet. After the first 3 day sor so snowboarding, I've had thigh burn like I've never had before. I guess pushing 34, maybe I'm getting old? Nah, I just work too much behind a desk when I really should be outside living life.

Even the dogs haven't been doing their job of nagging me to exercise with them. This morning when we let them out, they immediately wanted to come back inside and hop in bed. You can't blame them -- it was MINUS 9 DEGREES! You gotta love high pressure systems. At least we'll be able to see the stars well from the hot tub tonight. But if you ask me, I'd rather we get a dumping of snow. That's supposed to come Friday...just in time for John and I to be getting in a car and heading down to Jersey for our pre-Xmas visit. As Seth said, whenever I leave, it snows!

Actual Vermont snow pix soon to come.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Colleen's U2 tour history

I figured with the tour wrapping up, it was about time I catch up on "the count". All we obsessed fans pride ourselves on having been there. Well, as best as I can recall, here's the list of when I've been there... *** 64 times and counting***

Vertigo//2005 Tour (1st Leg) US
May 22nd Philadelphia, PA - Wachovia Center
May 17 East Rutherford, NJ - Continental Airlines Arena
May 18 East Rutherford, NJ - Continental Airlines Arena
May 24 Boston, MA - Fleet Center
May 26 Boston, MA - Fleet Center

Vertigo//2005 Tour (3rd Leg) US
10th October New York - Madison Square Garden
16th October Philadelphia - Wachovia Center
17th October Philadelphia - Wachovia Center
21st November, New York - Madison Square Garden
22nd November, New York - Madison Square Garden
04th December, Boston, TD Banknorth Garden
05th December, Boston, TD Banknorth Garden

Elevation 2001 (3rd leg) Autumn, North America
//12.10.2001 Montreal, PQ
//24.10.2001 New York, NY
//25.10.2001 New York, NY
//27.10.2001 New York, NY
//28.10.2001 E. Rutherford, NJ
//02.11.2001 Philadelphia, PA

Elevation 2001 (1st leg) Spring, North America
//27.05.2001 Montreal
//28.05.2001 Montreal
/02.06.2001 Albany, NY
//11.06.2001 Philadelphia, PA
//12.06.2001 Philadelphia, PA
//14.06.2001 Washington, DC
//15.06.2001 Washington, DC
//17.06.2001 New York, NY
//19.06.2001 New York, NY
//21.06.2001 E. Rutherford, NJ
//22.06.2001 E. Rutherford, NJ

POPMART Tour (3rd leg) North America
//02.11.1997 Montreal, QC

POPMART Tour 97 (1st leg) North America
//26.05.1997 Washington, DC
//31.05.1997 E. Rutherford, NJ
//01.06.1997 E. Rutherford, NJ
//03.06.1997 E. Rutherford, NJ
//08.06.1997 Philadelphia, PA
//01.07.1997 Foxboro, MA
//02.07.1997 Foxboro, MA

ZOOTV Tour - Outside Broadcast (3rd leg) North America
//12.08.1992 E. Rutherford, NJ
//13.08.1992 E. Rutherford, NJ
//15.08.1992 Washington, DC
//16.08.1992 Washington, DC
//22.08.1992 Foxboro, MA
//23.08.1992 Foxboro, MA
//29.08.1992 New York, NY
//30.08.1992 New York, NY
//02.09.1992 Philadelphia, PA
//03.09.1992 Philadelphia, PA

ZOOTV Tour (1st leg) North America
//09.03.1992 Uniondale, NY
//10.03.1992 Philadelphia, PA
//18.03.1992 E. Rutherford, NJ
//20.03.1992 New York, NY

The Joshua Tree tour (3rd leg) America
//10.09.1987 Uniondale, NY
//11.09.1987 Uniondale, NY
//12.09.1987 Philadelphia, PA
//14.09.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ
//25.09.1987 Philadelphia, PA
//28.09.1987 New York, NY
//29.09.1987 New York, NY

The Joshua Tree (1st leg) America
//11.05.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ
//12.05.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ
//13.05.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ
//15.05.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ
//16.05.1987 E. Rutherford, NJ

Amnesty International's Conspiracy of Hope Tour
//15.06.1986 E. Rutherford, NJ

Life Post-Vertigo

Well, after four shows in spring and seven this fall, my time touring with U2 on the Vertigo Tour has come to a close. Back-to-back nights general admission inside the ellipse dead center just off the rail wrapped it up for me. My body couldn't take another show, even if I could afford one (which I can't!). Two evenings sleeping outside on line in bitter December cold was enough for me. Yes, many of you think I'm crazy, but I'm not the only (didn't Lennon sign about that?). Anyway, the last two shows were great -- for me, they didn't top the second fall Philly show or the last MSG show, but they were good, and well worth it. Thanks to the lady with the voucher who helped me scan into the ellipse on the first night, to Jen for the fun from Philly to NYC to Boston, and the girls who swapped out stubs so we were ellipse the last night as well. Most of all, thanks to the boys for the music that moves me.

The real question is, now, what to do with all the free time now that I won't be driving many hours to the next show every few weeks?!? Well, time to catch up on home life. My husband and dogs have been so patient and tolerant of my U2 habit. It's fair time I give them some attention they well deserve. Plus, it's winter... there's snow out there and powder turns to be made!

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Gearing up for my last two shows

I'm getting ready to head down to Boston for my last two U2 shows this tour. It will wrap up 13 shows this tour. That matches my Elevation tour numbers. Hard to compare the tours. Elevation was great because I was inside the heart for all the shows. But Vertigo has had a more instense energy to it and some real special moments (like Bruce showing up in Philly).

Here are a few more pix from the last show I was at in NYC -- MSG 11-22 to get me psyched!

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Last week's snow was a tease!

So last Sunday I got my first day in snowboarding at Sugarbush. Wasn't half bad, considering that it was still November. Of course there was no reason for half the trails that were open to be open -- more dirt than snow, but where they had made snow, we had nice groomers and icy bumps. A few runs for FIS got me breathing hard and feeling good. But all the rain this week has forced the mountain to close and most of it to all melt away.

Good news though -- 2-5 inches in the forecast for tomorrow! As Seth pointed out today, seems as though whenever I leave town, it snows. Well, hell, it that's what it takes!

Alas, I wait some more...

"...the waiting is the hardest part..."

Some picture highlights from my tour with U2

MSG 11-22 Mom and I were dead center on the rail in the ellipse.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dreaming out loud

Well, here I go. It's been months -- ok, years -- since I last updated my website or posted something new. I just can't keep up with that. But I have been inspired by the whole blog movement as of late. It's a constellation of small fires of people observing and reflecting, communicating and finding voice. This is something I value and appreciate. And so follows the 20+ years I have dedicated to human rights work...

Dreaming out loud... it's a concept from U2 (no surprise for anyone who knows me, as they have defined so much of the direction of my life with their music). ...

"Here's to the future! The only limits are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in, dream out loud, at high volume." -- Bono 1/1/90

I'm wrapping up a few months filled with U2 concerts. One tour, two legs, 11 shows, MANY memories. If you haven't seen them, SEE THEM. It's more than a concert. It is a spiritual experience. A chance to connect with yourself, with others, with who you want to be and what the world can be.

And so I begin to recommit to my writing, and publishing, for all those who care to reflect on the world, for those who are struggling to not give in to cynicism, who dare to dream out loud...