Monday, October 2, 2006

How the mighty have fallen

Don't even talk to me about my Chargers, or the Jets or Jacksonville or Dallas... all games that just went wrong! And what is worse -- my brother, a Ravens fan, made me stay on the phone with him during the last two minutes as my Chargers gave away their win. In my Yahoo weekly pick'em pool, I actually went 2 for 13! It's hard to be THAT wrong!

So it's Monday night and only into the first quarter of the Philly game. While I like Brett Farve, I have faith enough in Donovan and the Eagles that I'm posting the pool results anticipating their win. If I'm wrong, I'll post a correction for tomorrow.

For those who still owe me for the pool, please get in touch with me so we can get together.

Find week four results here.