Saturday, November 29, 2008

Winter pups

It's only taken a year, but Jordy will now allow us to put on his fleece jacket before we go out for walkies!!! He's made the connection between the coat and being warm, so much so that he was out there leapin' over logs he was so happy! My little woofs...(Lucy got the jacket that didn't fit Jordy)

Friday, November 28, 2008

More tile work

Here's a better shot where you can see the green line detail in the purple tile backsplash behind the stove
Jordy checks out the pebble tile flooring for the master shower

Master bathroom shower tile is ready to be installed. Color doesn't come through in teh picture so great, but it's a black and green/gold porcelean that looks very natural

Seth shows off the upstairs bathroom tile. I love the little cubby at the end of the tub!

Mom, you're going to LOVE it!! It's teh "beachyist" room in the house.

Here's teh cabinet in the kitchen where our new french door fridge will go.

And our nice maple paneled walk-in pantry!!!

It just keeps getting better and better!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

On to the kitchen and tiling!

Thanks to Mom and Dad Henderson for coming up with our new kitchen cabinets and helping to install them!

Seth gets into tiling our backsplash behind the stove
And the finished doesn't show up well in the picture, but that's a purple slate we used. Several of the tiles have these cool green accents too.

Fourth row down you can see how we arranged the tiles with the strongest green accent lines...
...and then Jordy thought we had worked enough and it was time to go home and feed him dinner.