Sunday, June 15, 2008

Site work underway!

So this week we began the daunting, exciting and terrifying job of building our new home. Started on Monday with clearing and digging a hole. Thursday we were milling things up on site. By Friday we wrapped up loan stuff with the bank and on Saturday they hauled away our extra wood. We pour teh foundation walls on Monday!

The future front yard...
Our hole in the ground...
View from our hole in the ground to the southeast...
Our log pile AFTER we milled up about as much as you see here...
Seth and our future posts and beams...
What can I say? The man's got some WOOD!
A farewell to the remaining 2/3rds we didn't need to mill up...
All those years of playing with Lincoln Logs pays off...
This was the second completely loaded double trailer of logs we sold off.

Now, on to foundation walls, drilling a well and framing!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My new hybrid!

Driving down to town today I averaged 80 miles per gallon!! (Ok, it dropped to 46 mpg on the uphill way home, but still....)

With gas prices the way they are, I stand to save OVER $1500 in gas between now and the end of the year!!